Mighty Hoop 12.5 Inch x 15.75 Inch Rectangle
One Magnetic 12.5 Inch Tall x 15.75 Inch Wide Rectangular Hoop
Inside Dimensions - 12-1/2" Tall x 15-3/4" Wide or 318 mm Tall x 400 mm Wide
Actual sewing area depends on brand of machine - take into consideration the displacement of presser foot and other components near the needle.
Brackets are included with the hoop purchase and will vary based on the equipment brand and sewing field size.
ZSK Sprint Series Only with Wide Field (540mm) Arms
ZSK Wide Format Series (W Series)
Tajima - Most Single Heads & Some Multi Heads
Most Newer Toyota Models
Barudan with QS or EFP 520 Brackets (Not Elite Series)
Melco - Requires Wider Tubular Arms - Click Here
Happy HCD and HCA (Not Voyager)
SWF - U Type Only
It is not necessary to own a HoopMaster Hooping Station or FreeStyle Mounting Base to use this hoop, but it makes design placement as accurate, consistent, and as easy as possible. To view or purchase the Hooping Station, FreeStyle Base, and / or appropriate Fixtures, please see the appropriate HoopMaster Collections.
HoopMaster Alignment Tools - click here
HoopMaster Mighty Hoop Fixtures - click here
The patented Mighty Hoop uses strong magnets on the upper and lower hoop components to hold almost any textile in place. The garment is held in place by the magnetic force in the rings and automatically adjusts for different material thicknesses. Mighty Hoops have eliminated the traditional tension ring and screw commonly used on plastic and wooden hoops. This design contributes to a better workflow process and technique - operators can increase efficiency output by hooping faster, and decrease stress irritants (arms and wrists).
Magnet Warnings - Mighty Hoops contain very strong magnets. If you have any type of medical device that can be affected by magnets, please consult your physician before ordering. By ordering, you agree that you have read and understand the warnings posted in this link.